beim New York Electroacoustic Music Festival

TRIONYS have been invited to perform at the celebrated New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival on 22 June.

Since the organsiers of the festival do not pay their artists anything at all, the invited musicians have to pay their own flights and accommodation.

The trio has therefore decided to try to cover at least some of the costs with the help of the crowd funding campaign .

All those who are interested in exciting contemporary music and who enjoy the adventure of discovering new worlds of sound are welcome
to view this website and possibly support this project.

In return for support the trio is offering downloads of previously unpublished sound recordings and videos.

Supporters so far:

Anthony Bury (Digitale Medien), Dettingen/Erms

David Allison, Dettingen/Erms

Lawrence Casserley, Oxford

Virginia Aurora Scott & Ricky Gardiner (Beggars Opera), Llandeilo

Felix Röken, Dublin

Marino Pliakas (Steamboat Switzerland), Zürich

Prof. Dr. Claudia Veigel, München

Christa Kleemann, Freiburg

Oliver Kurzmann, Grafing

Wolfgang Haas, Münsingen

Florian Stiefel

Michael Kies, Stuttgart

Gunther Spranz, Tübingen

Andrea Knauer, Dettingen/Erms

Wolfgang Schmauder, Glems

Doris Raffel, Münsingen

Dr. med. Ulrich Köster

Prof. Peter Nelson, University of Edinburgh

Katrin Ballandies, Ostfildern

Karl Ostertag, St. Johann-Lonsingen

Dr. Albrecht Schmid, Gomadingen

Hartmut Bernecker, Dürnau

Bernhard Stolz, Bad Urach - Hengen